If you are thinking about how to meet new clients in your law firm or how to obtain better legal talent, you need to make use of online marketing strategies. Moreover, there are five important legal marketing actions to add which would help to convert and attract new talents and new clients and also outrank and outperform competing law companies.
1. Transform your law company’s website into round the clock representative
2. Invest in SEO and content marketing for lawyers
3. Enlarge your online footprint outside website with local SEO, social media, PPC and video marketing
4. Maintain your reputation to make use of your online appearance as a hiring tool
5. Track, measure and examine everything
Transform your law company’s website into round the clock representative: What people do when they want something? Where do they start their search? Previously, they were using Yellow Pages. But now 93% of customers are searching online to get in touch with a leading local business. It means the law company website should remain as the number one marketing investment. The website should be the beginning and end for everything. It is important to have a professional website. You need to focus on your user experience, functionality,and design of the website. All these help to easily impress your potential clients and they would visit and make use of your business in a quick time. If the website could not bring that wow feeling to the users, it means it is a waste of being alive.
In order to have a successful and professional website, there should be five important things included in the website. The website should be:
- Authoritative
- Appealing
- Easily found
- Mobile friendly
- Fast
Why your website should remain fast?
Most people who are browsing on their phone or desktop would expect the website to completely load in about 3 seconds or less than that. If the website does not load in fast time, the user would easily click the back button and visit your competitor’s website. Why you should knowingly do the mistake of having a slow loading website? There is a lot of competition in the legal field. There is no demand for lawyers in the present scenario. You have to take all the necessary steps to make your potential clients visit your website. If you wish to know the speed of your website, click Pagespeed Insights by Google and find out your website speed. If you are finding in red, you have to send a notification email to your website management team and they would ensure to fix it as early as possible.
Why your website should be mobile friendly?
If you are an attorney and wish to be successful, you need to have a mobile-friendly website. It means the website should be optimized for smartphones. Since lot of people are using their mobile phone for searching and getting in touch with service providers, you need to make your website mobile friendly. If your mobile website does not function, it means your business website is lacking in mobile compatibility. There are chances for your clients to click back button or avoid using your website just because it is not loading in their mobile phone.